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Code theo phong cách 1:
<!-- Popular posts multi colored UI theme --> #PopularPosts1 ul{margin:0;padding:5px 0;list-style-type:none} #PopularPosts1 ul li{position:relative;margin:5px 0;border:0;padding:10px} #PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child{background:#ff4c54;width:97%} #PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child:after{content:"1"} #PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li{background:#ff764c;width:87%} #PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li:after{content:"2"} #PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li{background:#ffde4c;width:84%} #PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li:after{content:"3"} #PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li + li{background:#c7f25f;width:81%} #PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li + li:after{content:"4"} #PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li + li + li{background:#33c9f7;width:78%} #PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li + li + li:after{content:"5"} #PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li + li + li +li{background:#7ee3c7;width:75%} #PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li + li + li + li:after{content:"6"} #PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li + li + li + li +li{background:#f6993d;width:72%} #PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li + li + li + li + li:after{content:"7"} #PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li + li + li + li + li +li{background:#f59095;width:69%} #PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li + li + li + li + li + li:after{content:"8"} #PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li + li + li + li + li + li +li{background:#c7f25f;width:66%} #PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li + li + li + li + li + li + li:after{content:"9"} #PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child:after, #PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li:after, #PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li:after, #PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li + li:after, #PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li + li + li:after, #PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li + li + li + li:after, #PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li + li + li + li + li:after, #PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li + li + li + li + li + li:after, #PopularPosts1 ul li:first-child + li + li + li + li + li + li + li + li:after{position:absolute;top:20px;right:-15px;border-radius:50%;background:#353535;width:30px;height:30px;text-align:center;font-size:28px;color:#fff} #PopularPosts1 ul li .item-thumbnail{float:left;border:0;margin-right:10px;background:transparent;padding:0;width:70px;height:70px;} #PopularPosts1 ul li a{font-size:13px;color:#444;text-decoration:none} #PopularPosts1 ul li a:hover{color:#222;text-decoration:none} #PopularPosts1 img{ -moz-border-radius: 130px; -webkit-border-radius: 130px; border-radius: 130px; -webkit-transition: all 0.3s ease; -moz-transition: all 0.3s ease; transition: all 0.3s ease; padding:4px; border:1px solid #fff !important; } #PopularPosts1 img:hover { border-radius: 0 0 0 0; -moz-transform: scale(1.2) rotate(-711deg) ; -webkit-transform: scale(1.2) rotate(-711deg) ; -o-transform: scale(1.2) rotate(-711deg) ; -ms-transform: scale(1.2) rotate(-711deg) ; transform: scale(1.2) rotate(-711deg) ; } <!-- popular posts multicolored UI theme -->
Code theo phong cách 2:
.popular-posts ul{padding-left:0px;} .popular-posts ul li {background: #FFF url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh9cST3O57L7yIwtZSnWZ0HQ82nb_38pEJiRAO-rM78-XLqK8sqy1VMSFHKi4-ofP0gDamdu-qSzxCho7gaY4gjFUdSDT2ZjWl8CqFUCg-0aoNYmiwMsK_bzvLINHtOscSigfZ0Wvh-rPU/s1600/1.gif) no-repeat scroll 5px 10px; list-style-type: none; margin:0 0 5px 0px; padding:5px 5px 5px 20px !important; border: 1px solid #ddd; border-radius:10px; -moz-border-radius:10px; -webkit-border-radius:10px; } .popular-posts ul li:hover { border:1px solid #6BB5FF; } .popular-posts ul li a:hover { text-decoration:none; } .popular-posts .item-thumbnail img { webkit-border-radius: 100px; -moz-border-radius: 100px; border-radius: 100px; -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, .4); -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, .4); box-shadow: 0 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, .4); }
Code theo phong cách 3:
#PopularPosts1 h2{ padding:7px 0 3px 0; width:100%; margin-bottom:10px; font-size:1.3em; text-indent:-12px; font-size:18px; text-align:center; color: #757575; /* Color of the widget's title */ } #PopularPosts1 ul{ list-style:none; counter-reset:li; padding:8px 0px 1px; left:-7px; width:290px; } #PopularPosts1 li{ position:relative; margin:0 0 10px 0; padding: 3px 2px 0 17px; left:-5px; width:285px; } #PopularPosts1 ul li{ background: #eee; position: relative; display: block; padding: .4em .2em .4em 2em; *padding: .2em; margin: .5em 0; background: #ddd; text-decoration: none; border-radius: .3em; transition: all .3s ease-out; } #PopularPosts1 ul li:before{ content: counter(li); counter-increment: li; position: absolute; top: 50%; margin: -1.3em; height: 2em; width: 2em; line-height: 2em; font-size: 15px; color: #fff; /* text color of numbers */ background: #FB8835; /* background color of numbers */ border: .2em solid #fff; /* border color */ -webkit-box-shadow: 0 8px 5px -7px #888; -moz-box-shadow: 0 8px 5px -7px #888; box-shadow: 0 8px 5px -7px #888; text-align: center; font-weight: bold; border-radius: 2em; position: absolute; left: 0; transition: all .3s ease-out; } #PopularPosts1 ul li:hover{ background: #eee; } #PopularPosts1 ul li:hover:before{ transform: rotate(360deg); } #PopularPosts1 ul li a{ font: 14px Georgia, serif; /* font size of post titles */ text-shadow: 0 -1px 2px #fff; color: #444; display:block; min-height:25px; text-decoration:none; text-transform: uppercase; } #PopularPosts1 ul li a:hover{ color: #444; }
Kết luận: Các Code trên hoàn toàn sử dụng CSS, không sử dụng Javascript nên các bạn cứ yên tâm về tốc độ tải, cũng như độ thân thiện với SEO nhé.
Theo nguồn:windows2it
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